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HL Paper 2

The graph shows carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions related to the typical American’s activities over a lifetime.

[Source: Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature; “The Leverage of Demographic Dynamics on Carbon Dioxide
Emissions: Does Age Structure Matter?”, Emilio Zagheni, © 2011.]

State the age at which the average US citizen produces the most CO2 emissions.


State the age range in which the most rapid increase in CO2 emissions occurs.


Suggest two health hazards that may result from climate change.

Health hazard 1:


Health hazard 2:


Explain how two methods of geo-engineering could mitigate climate change.

Method 1:


Method 2:




“The growth of the global middle class will inevitably accelerate climate change.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

The graph shows the trend in flood events worldwide between 1980 and 2000.

[Source: Hugo Ahlenius, UNEP/GRID-Arendal Source adapted.]

Describe the trend in flood events.


Suggest two ways in which increased global temperatures can cause changes in sea levels.

Way 1:


Way 2: 



Explain two corporate strategies used to address global climate change. 

Strategy 1:


Strategy 2: 



Briefly outline how the natural greenhouse effect operates. 


Explain how the global energy balance can be changed by solar radiation variations.


Explain how the global energy balance can be changed by global dimming due to volcanic eruptions.


Explain two reasons why sea-level change may result from global warming.

Reason 1:



Reason 2:




Outline what is meant by terrestrial albedo. 


Suggest how climate change may cause spatial changes in biomes.


Suggest how climate change may cause spatial changes in animal migration patterns.


Explain two ways in which higher temperatures could increase the incidence of health hazards on people.

Way 1:



Way 2:




The map shows the land surface temperature anomalies for February 2017.

[Source: NASA Earth Observatory. Land Surface Temperature Anomaly. [online] Available at: [accessed 16 April 2019].]

Identify one region showing an extensive positive anomaly of +12 °C.


Identify one region showing an extensive negative anomaly of −12 °C.


Outline how extreme warming can affect the albedo of a region.


Outline how extreme warming can affect the operation of a feedback loop.


Explain two ways in which climate change impacts upon ocean transport routes.

Way 1:


Way 2:




The graph shows changes in the percentage of the population of Lesotho living in slums.

[Source: UN Habitat, 2016. Slum Alamnac 2015–2016: Tracking Improvement in the Lives of Slum Dwellers. [pdf online]
Nairobi: UNON Publishing Service Station. Available at:
Almanac%202015-2016_PSUP.pdf [Accessed 4 June 2020]. Source adapted.]

Describe the trends shown in the slum populations of Lesotho between 2005 and 2014.


Suggest two reasons why progress towards access to safe water has been slow in some regions.

Reason 1:



Reason 2:




Explain one economic advantage and one environmental advantage of the circular economy.

Economic advantage:



Environmental advantage:





“Responding to climate change is more important than working towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Global climate – vulnerability and resilience

The map shows total greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.

[Source: data from Carlson et al. 2016, Nature Climate Change / UMN - Institute on the Environment]

Describe the regional distribution of high total greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.


Explain two reasons why increased trade by emerging economies has led to increased greenhouse gas emissions.

Reason 1:


Reason 2:




Explain how carbon offset schemes and carbon trading might lead to a global reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
